For our patients at Advocare Parsippany Pediatrics:
We have newly received a supply of Covid vaccines (Moderna brand ) and are ready to schedule vaccine appointments for our patients!
All of our patients of at least 6 months of age and older are recommended to vaccinate against Covid-19 infection. If there has been a recent Covid infection, it is recommended to pursue the vaccination 3 months after the positive test or onset of symptoms. In past Covid-19 vaccination drives, we have only had vaccine available to ages 6 month through 11 years, but we now can help all of our patients 6 months through 21 years of age.
Vaccine Schedule:
For those under 5 years who are previously unvaccinated for Covid or have received one past Covid vaccine: 2 doses are recommended, 4-8 weeks apart.
For those under 5 years who have received 2 or 3 past doses of Covid vaccine: 1 dose is recommended.
For those at least 5 years of age, one dose is recommended.
For those at least 12 years old, one dose is recommended; but it is a different dose than for those under age 12.
For those of our patients with immune system compromise, including those patients on immunosuppressive medications for inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid conditions, and organ transplants, additional doses are recommended (please discuss with one of our nurses or physicians).
Of note , we only have Moderna brand available. We have no preference between the vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna, but we cannot offer Pfizer vaccine through our office at this time. It is acceptable, per CDC guidelines, to give your child a different brand of Covid vaccine than he or she received in a previous Covid vaccination season.
Please Call to Schedule:
We are ready to accept calls to schedule vaccination in our office. There will be no co-pay or need to schedule time with a provider: our receptionist will schedule a "nurse-only" appointment which can be accomplished efficiently. We are also ready to give Covid vaccine out during appointments for other purposes (for example, at well-visits or during visits for other purposes).
Please know that our product is NOT superior to what is available at almost every pharmacy in the community. If your child is at least 11 years of age, please know that it is very easy to get an appointment at a local pharmacy – search to locate a vaccine for your 11+ year old child:
More Information:
The following websites address many of the common questions that arise, regarding Covid vaccinations for children. Please visit these sites if you have questions or concerns:
Please contact us if you have any questions!
Call 973-263-0066 or
Reach out to us through your child's online patient portal.
We look forward to helping you protect your children,
Advocare Parsippany Pediatrics