If you are considering suicide or are afraid of your impulses then you need to seek help immediately. Call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. In northern New Jersey you can also call the Crisis Hotline from Morristown Medical Center at 973-540-0100.
NEW, National Suicide and Crisis Hotline: Dial 988 or click on this link to Talk To Someone Now. If you’re thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, the Lifeline network is available 24/7 across the United States.
7 days a week, 1-5 PM: 1-800-999-9999
If you live in northern New Jersey and need help finding a therapist you can call the Access Center from Atlantic Behavioral Health at 888-247-1400. Outside of this area you can log onto the US Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website for referrals in your area. You can also contact your insurance company to get a list of in-network mental health providers or check with your school social worker or psychologist to get a list of referrals in your area
You can also contact the Self-Injury Hotline (information only, not a crisis line) at 1-800-DON’T-CUT, 1-800-366-8288.
End Dating Abuse
a very comprehensive website for teens to get answers to important questions on nutrition, relationships, emotions, stress, pubertal body changes, and sexuality
"Bulking-up", Muscle-building obsessions, advice on nutrition for athletes, risks from supplements:
Tweens and Teens are pushing themselves -- and being pushed by peers, coaches, parents, and the $50 Billion Dollar Supplement Industry -- to make their bodies bigger and more muscular, distorting their views of what's normal and healthy. There is constant chatter among teens and older athletes, particularly at commercial gyms, about taking protein supplements, creatine, and performance-enhancing substances: please learn more about this with the links below!
FDA warning on riskiness of bodybuilding products
Links to excellent guides for athletes regarding Nutrition, Supplements, and Energy Needs from the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)
The complicated issue of "safe supplements": please see pages 21-23 of this guide from the USADA
A Guide to Eating for Sports, from Nemours Children's Health
What is "Bigorexia"? Why is having a muscle-building obsession a concern?
2024-2025 Protein Supplements Commonly Contaminated with Heavy Metals - new study results