There will be a charge of $15.00 for the completion of a SINGLE health form by our office staff (NO CHARGE for WIC forms or working papers). The charge will be $30 for 2 or more forms. This charge will be applied to all forms sent in by mail or brought in to the office. We would appreciate payment prior to the completion of the form.
There will not be a charge for forms completed at a physical exam, IF they are brought to the office at the time of the appointment.
Due to the number of forms that we receive (especially before sports seasons and camp season), we cannot guarantee that they will be completed immediately. Please allow at least one to two weeks for us to complete forms. If you know that your child will be doing a sport, please contact the school well before the beginning of the season to obtain the forms.
If your child has not had a physical exam within one year of the date we receive the form, it cannot be completed by our office. Physical examinations can change, and if we are to certify that your child is in good health and without medical risk factors to play a sport, or attend camp, we need to perform a complete physical examination within one year prior to signing the form. Therefore, please schedule an exam well in advance of the date your child will be starting a sport or going to camp.
We strive to give our patients high quality care in a compassionate environment. By adhering to the above guidelines, we hope to make the process of health form completion a smooth one.
Thank you for your cooperation.