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Parsippany Pediatrics

Flu and CoVID vaccine clinics are OPEN!
Protect your kids from the coming late-autumn and winter surge of CoVID and Flu viruses in our community with vaccinations! We have appointments open for Flu and CoVID vaccines. These are Nurse-only visits, no co-pay needed, and are very quick and efficient. Please call our office to schedule or ask any questions. 

Vaccines strengthen our body's immune response to illnesses. While it is true that our immune system, without the help of vaccines, can often fight influenza (flu) or CoVID (after a typically miserable week or more of symptoms), success is not guaranteed and our immune systems, particularly for children, older adults, and those with chronic medical conditions, are not reliably victorious.
  • Every year, approximately 20,000 U.S. children are so sick with influenza that they need to be hospitalized. The U.S. loses roughly 200 children per year to influenza.
  • Between January 1, 2020 and June 23, 2023 (late-2023 and 2024 data are not yet available) CoVID ended the lives of approximately 1,850 children in the US (about 530 US children died per year in that 3.5 year period). 
We (doctors and parents alike) are all frustrated that flu vaccine and CoVID vaccine recipients can sometimes get sick with flu and with CoVID despite the vaccinations: please remember that while these vaccines often prevent illness from these two infections, their most important advantage is that both of these vaccines are excellent at preventing SEVERE cases of flu and CoVID that would otherwise result in E.R. visits, hospitalizations, ICU care, or death.

PLEASE TALK TO PEDIATRICIANS AND/OR OTHER MEDICAL DOCTORS to address any questions you have about vaccines for both you and your children. There is so much disinformation and confusion about vaccines in the community and on the internet that an open-minded person can easily be misinformed or simply become exasperated with the subject. This often leads to a missed opportunity to protect you and your family with vaccinations.


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